"Hdac3 is an epigenetic inhibitor of the cytotoxicity program in CD8 T cells."
Rong En Tay, Olamide Olawoyin, Paloma Cejas, Yingtian Xie, Clifford A Meyer, Yoshinaga Ito, Qing Yu Weng, David E Fisher, Henry W Long, Myles Brown, Hye-Jung Kim, Kai W Wucherpfennig
The Journal of experimental medicine 217, 7 (2020).
"Inhibition of MICA and MICB Shedding Elicits NK-Cell-Mediated Immunity against Tumors Resistant to Cytotoxic T Cells. "
Lucas Ferrari de Andrade, Sushil Kumar, Adrienne M Luoma, Yoshinaga Ito, Pedro Henrique Alves da Silva, Deng Pan, Jason W Pyrdol, Charles H Yoon, Kai W Wucherpfennig
Cancer immunology research 8, 6, 769-780 (2020).